Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Transition Zone 19 - October Summary.

Where Am I Going?

The Walking Man. 

I suggest he swing his arms a bit more.

While in Ottawa last year, I enjoyed a fun and fitness walk to Parliament Hill and environs. Walking is the best way to see Ottawa and one will encounter hordes of people doing the same thing, and one guy covered with sticky paper near the bridge to Hull. I call him The Walking Man Francais (He looks like he's coming from across the river).

He has a purposeful stride very similar to mine, don't you think?

Yesterday, I completed another month of walking and recorded my stats to see where I've been and where I'm going next.

By the Numbers:

I covered 122 miles in October, most of them in my neighbourhood. Many days were coolish, perfect for walking with a purposeful stride - minus the sticky paper.

My last eight days: I walked 29.5 miles last week and 8.5 so far this week. I had errands to run (walk) on four of those days, and that helps me get out the door.

The round trip connected to regular hockey games is two miles long. Good one. 

I track my ten-week average at the end of each week, and 25 miles per week is gradually becoming my target of choice.

 The numbers went into decline due to a vacation in September

For over a year I have been tracking certain stats, and they help me form monthly goals, and opinions about what seems reasonable as I continue The GREAT Canadian Comeback. I am leaning toward making my way to 25 walking/jogging miles per week on average, so many of the numbers will gradually decline. (That's if my psyche will allow that to happen!)

The columns represent the following: Month; outings per month (27 in 31 days in October); outings per month as a percentage; outings % as a cumulative monthly average; monthly mileage; mileage as a cumulative monthly average.

The Transition Man continues.

Photos GH

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