Friday, January 6, 2017

WALKN Miles in 2017. TZ2 (13).

The Wind at My Back.

Not much colour in downtown London on a gray day.

In spite of gray colours and squalls, I enjoyed my walk to Gibbons Park in North London yesterday. I walked into a thick curtain of blowing snow when I past Oxford Street and, trying to maintain a positive frame of mind, I reminded myself the wind would be at my back once I turned around at my two-mile marker (i.e., a tall and sturdy pair of willow trees beside the Gibbons pool).

I will soon finish my first marathon (26.2 miles) of 2017

I have covered 21.25 miles so far this week and if I complete 5 miles today (e.g., a 3-miler in the 'hood followed by a walk to a London Knights game this evening) I will finish my first marathon of the new year. 

I wonder how many I will be able to finish before year's end? In 2016 I covered 1439 miles, equal to 54.9 marathons, so the number 50 seems a reasonable goal. Of course, I'm not running 50 marathons (which would be an incredible feat, though not impossible), but the idea of covering the same distance as 50 marathons is an interesting one, especially to this former marathoner.

Marathoners like hill workouts. So do marathon walkers, one at a time : )

So, off we go. We shall see what we shall see.

Please link to Transition Zone Squared (12).

Photos GH

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