Wednesday, January 25, 2017

WALKN Miles in 2017. TZ2 (19).

Homeward Bound

Cathcart Street is quiet as I head north toward home.

Last summer I tried my hand at jogging - after a ten-year hiatus - and, after many sorties, developed a smooth, easy stride. I called one set of outings (of 100 walks/jogs) The Transition Zone because I was attempting to do more than walk a few miles per day, I was attempting to transform into an efficient, world-class runner again, albeit very gradually, one step at a time, within my reasonable limits.

"World-class" may be a bit of a stretch, of course, but, be that as it may, I enjoyed several fairly lengthy runs and feeling a breeze flow through what's left of my hair. So, I called my current set of 120 walk/runs "Transition Zone 2" (or Transition Zone Squared) and hope to trot me way tow world-class running again when the weather warms up.

Yesterday, while completing TZ2 #63 (out of 120), I felt that, had I been wearing running clothes, I could easily have jogged a few blocks at an easy pace.

Stand back. I've found my spandex tights!!

Homeward Bound!

We shall see what we shall see.

: )

Please link to WALKN Miles in 2017. TZ2 (18).

Photos GH

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