Friday, June 23, 2017

A Good Week for Half 'n' Half.

The Out Back.

[Photo: About to leave Harris Park]

For the last 65 walks, I've been putting no pressure on myself to become Canada's next Olympic marathoner. During the last week, even though I've completed three run/walks, I've walked when I've wanted, run when I've wanted, stopped for photos when I've wanted and pushed harder when I've wanted. 

Good runs on Sunday and Monday. Easy walk on Tuesday.

Good run on Wednesday. Good walk [NP65*] last night.

And already the running sections feel easier and I look forward to developing a smoother, stronger style during the summer months.... at my own pace.

London is home to many good walking, running and cycling routes and I tend to use certain paths frequently (e.g., through Harris Park to Gibbons and Baldwin Flats, or the Terry Fox Pathway), because I am familiar with the distance markers, some erected by the City of London, and some my own. 

Knowing when and where to turn around and head home allows for a high amount of predictability re the walk/run. If you see me racing by (Correction: "plodding along"), I am either heading out or heading back, often lost in thought or snapping a photo.

Photos from along the way:

 Heading back, returning via Harris Park.

 Lost and found: One scared, huggable Teddy.

Almost home.

*NP = "no pressure"

Please link to Half and Half Run.

Photos GH

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