Saturday, March 18, 2017

Smooth Sailing into Spring.

Gibbons Park and Beyond.

I regularly walk from Old South to Gibbons Park, turn around after 2 or 2.5 miles, and walk home the way I came. Same is true if I walk to Greenway Park or a destination downtown. And last week, because of biting, battering winds in the face during the first half of my walk, I returned home at a faster pace after the turn around.

This 'deep thot' entered my head during one such walk:

A wind from the east
blows good for neither
man nor beast.
A wind at your back,
from the west, is best.
Especially if your walkn east,
to say the least.

I also felt inclined to remove my gloves and open coats and sweaters on the return trips, and a few times I thought spring was definitely in the air.

 Steps lead to Richmond St. and another of my "turn arounds"

 WALKN takes me to Gibbons, Terry Fox and downtown London.

 Another turn around is located just west of Wonderland Rd.

Please link to Cutting Back, If I Can!

Photos GH

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